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1/25 (36") Scale America's Cup high performance model sailboat

EC12 Meter

5ft Replica of the 1962 Americas Cup 12 Meter

Star 45

45" Scale Model of the Olympic Star Boat

J Class Boat-Shamrock V

1/16 (8'-10')Scale Replica of the 1930's America's Cup Class Yacht

RMG Sail Winches

High Performance sail control winches



Chesapeake Bay Model Racing Assoc.


Current Monthly CR-914 Sailing Location -


Tuesdays at the Annapolis YC
on the Eastport side of the Eastport Bridge
5:30 - 7:30 weather permitting


CR-914 2023 National Championships

Cedar Point Marina & Chesapeake Whalertown
August 19-20

Click HERE for Info and NOR
Click HERE for online Regestration





CBMRA on facebook  


As the winter sailing season comes to a close, our fleet grows to as many as twenty boats on the line.
These photos were taken in Late Sept. In the background you can see the Naval Academy and the start of the AYC Frostbite series.

If you are in the area please try and stop by for some racing on the Chesapeake.